IpsiHand™ Stroke Recovery Device

March 30, 2024
IpsiHand™ Stroke Recovery Device

The IpsiHand stroke recovery device is an innovative new option for people looking to recover hand use after stroke.  A stroke causes motor cortex damage that can result in impaired motor function and limit arm and hand movement. The muscles in the arm and hand are fine but the brain has a hard time connecting.

IpsiHand™ Stroke Recovery Device by Neurolutions

The IpsiHand stroke recovery device helps stroke patients recover significant arm and hand function by retraining their brains.  It senses healthy brain activity when users are thinking about movement to retrain new parts of the brain to control your disabled arm.  Intention to move is captured by a headset that transmits those signals to a hand piece that that opens and closes the hand.

How IPSIHAND Stroke Recovery Device Works

Imagine:  As you concentrate on moving the affected hand, healthy parts of the brain produce signals that are sensed by the EEG headset.

Therapy:  Ipsihand stroke recovery device recognizes your intent from healthy parts of your brain.  The system opens and closes the robotic hand piece in response to your intention to move your hand.

Reconnect:  Repeated therapy improves motor function by strengthening connections and encouraging new pathways to healthy parts of the brain.  What fires together wires together.

IpsiHand™ Stroke Recovery Results:

Clinical Trials:  In three clinical trials, IpsiHand stroke recovery therapy has been shown to improve function in the upper extremity after stroke.   Trial participants, on average, increased independence in daily living activities by +10.2 on the AMAT (Arm Motor Ability Test) and by +7.7 points on the Fugl-Meyer (Gold Standard Test for Arm function after stroke).

Persistent Recovery:  Not only did participants improve function, but the benefit remained long after treatment ended.

Whole Arm:  Although IpsiHand stroke recovery device focuses therapy on the hand, participants gained benefit in the whole arm.

Designed for At-Home Stroke Recovery Therapy:

The IpsiHand stroke recovery device is wearable, non-invasive technology that is designed for at-home therapy. This allows you to tap into the neuroplasticity principles of “use it or lose it”, “repetition matters”, and “intensity matters”.  Because it is so portable and easy to use, it allows for intensive rehabilitation almost anywhere. You can even pack up IpsiHand and take therapy on the road.

Will IpsiHand Stroke Recovery Device Help You?  Give It a Try!

Want to see if Ipsihand will work for you?   Call 256-509-4398 or email info@therapy-a.com to get a free guide to IpsiHand and Neuroplasticity. 

Ready to give it a try?  Call 256-509-4398 or email info@therapy-a.com to sign up for the next demonstration of Ipsihand.